OFNTSC’s Water and Wastewater service works with First Nations’ Public Works Departments and water operators to create maintenance management plans for water and wastewater facilities.

The benefits of using OFNTSC’s Water and Wastewater service are numerous. This service, and our related projects, which include the Circuit Rider Training Program and HUB project, work in tandem to ensure water and wastewater facilities operate at peak efficiency.

Under the same umbrella as the Engineering Services, OFNTSC’s engineering staff are able to assist public works staff with ensuring safe, clean potable water is provided to its residents. 

If it is identified that capital repairs or upgrades of a water treatment plant or sewage system is needed, our engineers can help the First Nation walk through the steps to get the work completed.  This includes identifying the scope of work, applying for funding, developing a Terms of Reference to hire qualified consultants to complete the design, and providing submission review and project support to the First Nation throughout the lifecycle of the project - design, construction, and warranty. 

Also contained within the Water & Wastewater service area, OFNTSC’s Circuit Rider Training Program and HUB project assist First Nations water operators with operations and maintenance support by taking corrective action to fix maintenance issues, testing and record-keeping of water quality/waste effluent, assistance with emergency preparedness, and ongoing training in the application of water distribution techniques to ensure maintenance of licenses.

How we help First Nations

Circuit Rider Training Program

Our Circuit Rider Training Program focuses on administering Certified Education Units (CEUs) and On-the-Job Training (OJT) to First Nations water and wastewater system operators across Ontario.

OFNTSC’s Circuit Rider Trainers travel and deliver training directly in First Nations communities.

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HUB Water and Wastewater Service

OFNTSC’s HUB project launched in September 2020 with the goal of providing advisory and technical support in the area of water and wastewater for twenty-two (22) unaffiliated First Nations in Ontario.

The purpose of the HUB is to ensure that these communities’ Water Operators have 24/7 access to certified operator assistance, thus ensuring that their water and wastewater systems are operated and maintained to meet provincial drinking water regulations. The HUB project also works with these communities to ensure that water-related infrastructure and equipment contained within are periodically assessed to minimize future water treatment plant failures.

Learn more!

Stages in completing a project

The Ontario First Nations Technical Services Corporation is here to help First Nations with technical advice for their engineering projects. This document will help you understand the stages in completing a project, along with how OFNTSC can assist your community. 

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Drew Hill, Mohawk from Six Nations of the Grand River, is OFNTSC's Director of Engineering and Infrastructure Services. Drew has extensive technical experience across a number of industries.