Asset Condition Reporting System

The Asset Condition Reporting System, (ACRS), was developed by Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) in response to the Treasury Board's request for a better method of determining asset recapitalization requirements, i.e., based on actual asset condition, rather than being formula driven.

ACRS involved an inspection of all on-reserve non-residential, O&M funded assets and as a minimum, each non-residential on-reserve asset that receives O&M funding shall have an ACRS inspection once every three (3) years. In order to achieve a cyclical inspection, OFNTSC works with ISC, Ontario region, to ensure that approximately a third of non-residential assets, on a geographic basis, are inspected annually for Ontario First Nations.

ACRS Manual Available for download here: 

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Elmer is Mohawk and a member of the Six Nations of the Grand River First Nation. He has more than 30 years of experience working directly with First Nations on capital facilities & asset management.