
Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)

This committee is made up of technical experts who play a key role in the new governance structure. It provides a forum for sharing insights and advice on emerging technologies, technical challenges, technical services and opportunities. The TAC is critical to providing advice and insights on new OFNTSC initiatives and services.

Organization NameContact Name
Anishnaabeg of Kabapikotawangag Resource Council Inc.Cullen Robb
Bimose Tribal CouncilFawn Wapioke
Independent First Nations AllianceDavid Gordon
Keewaytinook Okimakanak Tribal CouncilCory J. Meekis
Matawa First Nations ManagementSaverio Rizzo
Mississaugas of the Credit First NationTBD
Mohawk Council of AkwesasneLeslie Papineau
Mohawks of the Bay of QuinteTodd Kring
Mushkegowuk CouncilChris Seguin
Nokiiwin Tribal Council Inc.Roger Rozon
North Shore Tribal CouncilMelissa Shawbonquit
Ogemawahj Tribal CouncilTBD
Pwi-Di-Goo-Zing Ne-Yaa-Zhing Advisory ServicesTBD
Red Rock Indian BandNorma Lesperance
Sandy Lake First NationDelores Kakegamic
Shibogama First Nations CouncilRobert Popovic
Six Nations of the Grand River TerritoryVince Longboat
Southern First Nations SecretariatTim Maness
United Chiefs and Councils of Mnidoo MnisingKevin Debassige
Waabnoong Bemjiwang Association of First NationsDerek McGregor
Wabun Tribal CouncilJason Batise
Walpole Island First NationLyle Johnson
Wikwemikong Unceded TerritoryWilliam Assinewai
Windigo First Nations CouncilJonathan Salo
Anishnaabeg of Kabapikotawangag Resource Council Inc.Cullen Robb
Bimose Tribal CouncilFawn Wapioke
Independent First Nations AllianceDavid Gordon
Keewaytinook Okimakanak Tribal CouncilCory J. Meekis
Matawa First Nations ManagementSaverio Rizzo
Mississaugas of the Credit First NationTBD
Mohawk Council of AkwesasneLeslie Papineau
Mohawks of the Bay of QuinteTodd Kring
Mushkegowuk CouncilChris Seguin
Nokiiwin Tribal Council Inc.Roger Rozon
North Shore Tribal CouncilMelissa Shawbonquit
Ogemawahj Tribal CouncilTBD
Pwi-Di-Goo-Zing Ne-Yaa-Zhing Advisory ServicesTBD


Leadership Advisory Committee (LAC)

Engaging with First Nations, funders and political organizations is key to the success of OFNTSC and its mission to serve our stakeholders. This committee will be made up of experienced leaders who can provide insights on how to best engage with these organizations, while also providing advice on important decisions and investments. 

Organization NameContact NameContact Title
Atikameksheng AnishnawbekCraig NootchtaiChief
Lac Seul First NationClifford BullChief
Shawanaga First NationAdam PawisChief
Saugeen First NationRitchie ConradChief
Anishinabek NationMelvin HardyNorthern Superior Regional Chief
Nipissing First NationCathy StevensChief
Apitipi Anicinapek NationJune BlackChief
MishkeegogamangMary Ann Panacheese-SkunkCouncillor
Curvle Lake First NationKen JacobsCouncillor
Wahta Mohawk TerritoryRandell Sonmor Capital Assets Director
Zhiibaahsing First NationJonathan Riberdy 
Mohawk Council of AkwesasneLeslie PapineauDirector of Infrastructure, Housing and Environment


Voting Members
Organization NameContact name
Ogemawahj Tribal CouncilMary McCue-King
Matawa First Nations Management (President, Chair)Saverio Rizzo
Nokiiwin Tribal Council Inc. (Treasurer)Roger Rozon
Waabnoong Bemjiwang Association of First Nations (Secretary)Theresa Teddy
United Chiefs and Councils of Mnidoo MnisingKevin Debassige
Independent First Nations AllianceDavid Gordon
Wikwemikong Unceded TerritoryWilliam Assinewai
Wabun Tribal CouncilJason Batise
Keewaytinook Okimakanak Tribal CouncilTBD
Southern First Nations SecretariatJennifer Whiteye
Mohawks of the Bay of QuinteTodd Kring
Six Nations of the Grand River TerritoryVince Longboat
Mississaugas of the Credit First NationFawn Sault
Red Rock Indian BandNorma Lesperance
Mohawk Council of AkwesasneAbram Benedict/Leslie Papineau
Pwi-Di-Goo-Zing Ne-Yaa-Zhing Advisory ServicesTBD
Windigo First Nations CouncilJonathan Salo
Shibogama First Nations CouncilRobert Popovic
Sandy Lake First NationDelores Kakegamic
North Shore Tribal CouncilMelissa Shawboniquit
Anishnaabeg of Kabapikotawangag Resource Council Inc.Cullen Robb/Erik Skirby
Bimose Tribal CouncilJ. Danielson
Mushkegowuk CouncilRyan Small
Walpole Island First NationEverett Kicknosway