Accessibility Policy

The Ontario First Nations Technical Services Corporation (OFNTSC) is committed to
ensuring equal access, integration and participation for people with disabilities. We are
committed to the principles of integration and equal opportunity, treating all people with
dignity and allowing them to maintain their independence. This commitment extends to
our services, communications, and employment practices.

While OFNTSC offices are not open to the public, we are committed to ensuring that our
services and communications are accessible to all individuals, including those with physical,
sensory, cognitive, and mental health disabilities.

OFNTSC is committed to meeting its obligations under the Accessibility for Ontarians with
Disabilities Act (AODA), the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (ISAR), the Ontario
Human Rights Code, and other applicable accessibility laws and regulations.

Employment Practices

OFNTSC is committed to fair and accessible employment practices, including:

  • Informing its employees of its policies used to support employees with disabilities,
    including, but not limited to, policies on job accommodation that consider the
    employee’s accessibility needs due to a disability.
    • New employees are informed as part of the new hire onboarding.
    • All employees are provided with updates about policy changes after those
      changes are approved.
  • Accommodating employees with disabilities throughout the hiring process and
    employment lifecycle.
  • Developing individual accommodation plans and return-to-work plans for
    employees who have been absent due to disability.


All employees will receive training on accessibility requirements and best practices. This
training includes:

  • An overview of the IASR, AODA and the customer service requirements, information
    and communications, and employment standards.
  • Instructions on interacting with people with various types of disabilities, including
    communication strategies and assistive technology use.

Accessible Services

  • We ensure that our services are accessible by:
  • Providing information and communications in accessible formats upon request,
    promptly at no additional cost.
  • Ensuring our website and online resources comply with the Web Content
    Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Level AA.

Offering assistance through various channels to accommodate individuals with

Feedback Process

We welcome feedback on how we provide accessible services. Feedback can be submitted:

By email:
By phone: 226-493-0225
By mail: Human Resources, 78 First Line Rd., Unit 202 Box 8, Hagersville, ON N0A 1H0

All feedback will be reviewed, and responses will be provided in a timely manner in a
format that meets the individual's needs.

Policy Review

This policy will be reviewed annually and updated as required to ensure compliance with
applicable laws and to reflect best practices in accessibility. We are committed to informing
you about any changes that may affect you.

Contact Information

For more information on this policy or to request documents in an accessible format,
please contact:

Human Resources
Phone: 226-493-0225

Accessible formats are available upon request.

Multi-Year Accessibility Plan

The Ontario First Nations Technical Services Corporation (OFNTSC) is committed to fulfilling
our requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005. This
accessibility plan outlines the steps we are taking to meet those requirements. The plan will
be reviewed and updated at least once every five (5) years.

OFNTSC is committed to treating all individuals in a way that allows them to maintain their
dignity and independence.

Service Standards

OFNTSC will ensure all employees are trained on accessibility standards and best practices.
This training will be ongoing to reflect new and updated standards and legislation. New
employees will complete the training within the first month of hire. OFNTSC will maintain
records of the dates when training is completed and the names of the individuals who
completed the training.

Provide all current employees comprehensive training on AODA, ISAR, and customer
service standards upon hire.

Offer refresher training sessions and updates on policy changes annually, aligning with
legal and regulatory requirements.

Employment Practices

OFNTSC will foster an inclusive work environment with fair and accessible employment

Inform all employees about policies supporting employees with disabilities, including
accommodations. Workplace Emergency Response Plans will be developed and provided to
employees who have indicated that they have a disability and require assistance in the
event of an emergency.

Review and enhance accommodation processes during hiring and employment.
Develop a written process for the development of individual accommodation and return-
to-work plans for employees with disabilities.

Conduct annual reviews of employment practices to ensure compliance and identify
improvement areas.

Information and Communications Standards

OFNTSC will ensure services and communications are accessible to all individuals, including
those with disabilities.

Provide information and communications in accessible formats upon request and at no
additional cost.

Review the website and online resources to comply with WCAG 2.0 Level AA standards.
Regularly audit and update digital content and communication methods to maintain
compliance and enhance accessibility.

Feedback Process

We will establish a feedback process to identify and address accessibility issues.
Promote existing feedback channels (email, phone, mail) for accessibility-related

Implement a system to log, track, and respond to feedback efficiently.
Review feedback regularly and make necessary adjustments to policies and practices.

Contact Information

For more information on this plan or to request documents in an accessible format, please

Human Resources
Phone: 226-493-0225
Address: 78 First Line Rd., Unit 202 Box 8, Hagersville, ON N0A 1H0

OFNTSC is committed to improving accessibility for people with disabilities.