2025 AGM Materials


Capability. Accountability. Transparency.

As an organization, OFNTSC’s focus is to deliver the technical and capacity-building services Ontario First Nations need to enable self-sustaining high quality of life for their people.

To help us achieve this mission, in 2016, OFNTSC decided to take the organization to the next level when it comes to governance. Over a four-year process, we established a structure that incorporates industry best practices and reflects First Nations culture and values.

Today, we have a best-in-class governance structure that brings the skills and experience needed to ensure rigorous oversight of the organization and best serve our stakeholders.

Our structure is designed to:An infographic showing the structure of OFNTSC's Governance model which shows how the voting members break out into the Leadership Advisory Committee, the Board of Directors, and the Technical Advisory Committee. Lastly the Executive director comes from the Board of Directors in terms of reporting

  • Give our stakeholders a voice in our governance
  • Keep OFNTSC accountable to Ontario First Nations
  • Have strong First Nations representation
  • Have the skills and experience to provide oversight across all functional areas (i.e., Finance, HR, IT, legal, etc.)
  • Have a strong focus on technical expertise
  • Build the partnerships to enable long-term sustainability and growth

Built for long-term sustainability

Board of Directors: The board is an apolitical body tasked with overall oversight, governance and strategy for OFNTSC. It is required to have a specific cross-section of skills, experience and representation to understand the needs of our stakeholders and deliver on our mission. It is served by typical business-driven board committees and advised by Technical and Leadership committees.   

Learn more about our board and its skills matrix on our Board of Directors webpage.

Technical Advisory Committee (TAC): This committee is made up of technical experts who play a key role in our governance. It provides a forum for sharing insights and advice on emerging technologies, technical challenges, technical services and opportunities. The TAC is critical to providing advice and insights on new OFNTSC initiatives and services.

Leadership Advisory Committee (LAC): Engaging with First Nations, funders and political organizations is key to the success of OFNTSC and its mission to serve our stakeholders. This committee is made up of experienced leaders who can provide insights on how to best engage with these organizations, while also providing advice on important decisions and investments.

Learn more about our advisory committees on the Committees webpage.

Driven by First Nations

Our accountability to our stakeholders remains strong, and we are always looking to further strengthen our connections.

Board and Committee appointments      
Our board and its two advisory committees are selected by our Voting Members. These Voting Members are selected by First Nations and Tribal Councils in Ontario, which ensures there is strong accountability to the people and communities we serve.  

Reporting and engagement      
Our governance approach requires regular reporting to stakeholders. The Leadership and Technical advisory committees are required to report to Voting Members at least four times per year. The board must carry out formal annual accountability reporting to the Chiefs in Assembly. In addition, First Nations members are also able to request a community visit from a member of the board or management. These requirements ensure that Tribal Councils, First Nations communities and the Chiefs in Assembly are fully informed of OFNTSC’s work and have multiple avenues for engagement.  

Committed to hearing and serving stakeholders

We are guided by our stakeholders and welcome your continued input. For more information, to provide input, or request a community visit, please get in touch with our Executive Director.

Melanie Debassige MBA, ICD.D      
Executive Director      
Phone: (226) 493-0225