Funding Opportunity Community Spaces

Update on OFNTSC's Board Committees

Enabling Sustainable Futures: Re-Structured OFNTSC Governance Structure Strengthens Representation and Fosters Efficiency

New First Nations youth mentorship program focuses on technical careers

OFNTSC announces new Board of Directors following governance reforms
BRANTFORD, ON (January 12, 2021) – On January 7, 2021, Voting Members of the Ontario First Nations Technical Services Corporation (OFNTSC) selected a new Board of Directors after undertaking extensive governance reform work. These governance reforms aim to ensure that OFNTSC is focused on delivering the vital technical and capacity building services that First Nations in Ontario need to become self-sustaining and to achieve living standards that are comparable to those enjoyed by Canadians at large.

Mishkeegogamang First Nation lifts long-term boil water advisory with the help of OFNTSC’s HUB Program
MISHKEEGOGAMANG FIRST NATION, ON – Since the inception of the Ontario First Nations Technical Services Corporation’s (OFNTSC) HUB program on Sept 14, 2020, HUB technicians have had the pleasure of working with, and providing expert water treatment support to Mishkeegogamang First Nation. Through the process of local analysis/testing and operational support, Mishkeegogamang First Nation Chief David Masakeyash was able to make the decision to rescind the long-term boil water advisory.

Ontario First Nations Technical Services Corporation begins pilot “HUB” Program

OFNTSC Announces Winners of the 2020 Student Achievement Awards

Emergency Management Planning Program Update:
Emergency Management Planning (EMP) at Ontario First Nations Technical Services Corporation (OFNTSC) is pleased to announce the following enhancements and required restructuring within the program.
Tracey Anderson has accepted the role of EMP - Capacity Development Specialist at OFNTSC. Tracey will be starting work on a program to assist Ontario First
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