PH 1/2 Overview/Hazard Identification Risk Assessment (HIRA) November 2020

PH 1/2 Overview  / Hazard Identification Risk Assessment (HIRA) will be offered via ZOOM platform as an intermediate replacement for In-Community visits while we continue to re-open from the COVID-19 Pandemic. 

Emergency Management Planning (EMP) at OFNTSC is pleased to announce the upcoming training opportunities for individual First Nation Community Control Groups (CCGs) in the Ontario Region. 

These sessions will include the following PowerPoint presentations:

PH 1/2 Overview: This presentation will reconfirm the importance of understanding the value of your community’s Master Emergency Response Plan (MERP) and the need to keep it updated.  It will touch on the Framework of your MERP, commonly used acronyms, hazard identification and risk assessment, Declaration and Termination – States of Emergency, and discuss the Roles and Responsibilities Before, During and After emergency situations. 

HIRA – Discussion Based Exercise:  This interactive presentation will look at the possible hazards (Natural, Technological, and Man-Made) which could affect your community and your community’s ability to deal with an emergency based on infrastructure and resources available.  Upon completion of this exercise your community will have completed the most important first step in updating your MERP. As the MERP is a living document, continuing to annually update and exercise sections of your MERP will keep the document active and valid in the event of an emergency situation.

OFNTSC – EMP staff is available to work with your community to tailor the sessions to your First Nations needs based on the status of your current MERP, and CCG availability. 

The following dates are currently available and will be filled on a first come first serve basis for training:

Wednesday August 19, 2020:                      9:30am to 3:30 pm          (length of session dependent on FN requirements)

Wednesday September 16, 2020:              9:30am to 3:30pm            (length of session dependent on FN requirements)

Wednesday, October 7, 2020:                     9:30am to 3:30pm            (length of session dependent on FN requirements)

Wednesday, November 18, 2020:              9:30am to 3:30pm            (length of session dependent on FN requirements)

** Contact OFNTSC – EMP if your Community Control Group (CCG) requires another date that would be better suited to your First Nations availability. 

Please feel free to contact Kyle Martin – A/Program Coordinator, , Brandon Staats – A/Field Officer, , Tracey Anderson – EMP Capacity Development Specialist, , or Cassandra Dickson – Administrative Support, ,  for any questions or concerns you may have.
