Corporate Overview (Vision, Mission)

The Ontario First Nations Technical Services Corporation (OFNTSC) was established in 1995 to provide expert technical advisory services to the First Nations in Ontario. At the time, OFNTSC was the first Indigenous organization in Canada mandated to provide professional technical and advisory services to First Nations communities and foster technical self-reliance. 

We also aim to create future capacity in First Nations by encouraging youth to pursue careers in science and technology.  Our yearly Student Achievement Awards play a large part in achieving this goal. In addition to this, OFNTSC attends career fairs to promote careers within tribal councils and First Nations.


The OFNTSC was established in February 1995 and mandated by Ontario First Nations Chiefs-In-Assembly to provide advisory-level technical services to Ontario’s Tribal Councils, Large First Nations, and Unaffiliated First Nations in the areas of:

  • Capital Project Planning and Development
  • Quality Assurance
  • Training
  • Operations and Maintenance
  • Fire Protection
  • Architectural Support Services
  • Housing Inspections
  • Housing Program

Our underlying objectives are to foster greater First Nation autonomy in the acquisition of capital facilities and infrastructure development. We also promote the development of modern community health and safety practices.

Strategic Plan

In September 2022, our Board and Senior Management Staff met to create our new 2023 – 2028 Strategic Plan, which refined and reassessed our goals to frame them in a way that would produce a roadmap to help us get there. Below we’ve provided our updated Vision and Mission statements, along with the four main pillars of our current strategy for improving technical self-sufficiency for First Nations in Ontario. 

2023-2028 Vision Statement

To support and empower First Nations on their journey to technical self-reliance.

2023-2028 Mission Statement

Supporting First Nations in their right to technical self-determination through the delivery of culturally respectful professional technical services and training.

2018-2023 Strategic Plan

*2023-2028 update coming April 2023.* The OFNTSC will continue to fulfill its mandate and accomplish the newly updated organizational vision and mission through the development of a 5-year Strategic Plan focused on improving Organizational Sustainability, Mandated Core Services, Client Focus, and Community Development. 

These priorities will serve as the foundation for the following Strategic Initiatives that form OFNTSC’s 2018-2023 Strategic Plan:

  • Organizational Review and Restructuring to Ensure Long-Term Sustainability
  • Supporting Clients with Community Development by Becoming a Total Solution Provider
  • Ensure Consistent Delivery of Mandated Core Services to Improve First Nations Standard of Living
  • Improve Client Focus and Satisfaction

Organizational Values

In carrying out its governance responsibilities, the Board is guided by the following values:

Respect – Supporting one another through respectful interactions with all forms of life, water and Mother Earth.

Trust – Having and maintaining faith and confidence in each other, both for our team, and with our client communities.

Humility – At OFNTSC, we will embody the qualities of selflessness and humility as we work together to create stronger First Nations communities and resources.

Honesty – Open and honest communication is a requirement of all staff, management and directors.

Peace – We strive to maintain a peaceful work environment, free from unnecessary stressors, by maintaining a sense of balance, tranquility, and respect in all interactions with each other and the communities we serve.

Knowledge & Wisdom – Braiding traditional Indigenous knowledge and wisdom with Western ways of knowing strengthens our understanding of the work we do. We will strive to utilize the best of both worlds for the betterment of ourselves and our communities.